Participate in Research

Be Part of the Solution

Your Data Can Help Us Find a Cure

One obstacle in developing drugs and new treatments for rare diseases is a lack of patient data. Only 5% of rare diseases have FDA-approved therapies, and we want ZTTK Syndrome to be one of them! But without valid and reliable data, that won't happen. 

The ZTTK community is partnering with Citizen Health and Rare-X to collect patient data to create natural history studies and help accelerate research, therapy and drug development.

By contributing your data to these studies, you are helping us build the best scientific tools that researchers, clinicians, and biotech partners can use as we progress toward finding a cure. Engaging in research studies is a crucial means of expanding our understanding of ZTTK Syndrome and expediting the development of future treatments and therapies.

Ready to participate in research?

Step 1: Join the ZTTK SON-Shine Foundation’s contact registry so we can contact you on research opportunities. Click here. (~2 minutes)

Step 2: If you live in the US, participate in the Citizen Health to contribute to our ZTTK research database (~5 minutes)

Step 3: For both US and international families, participate in the Rare-X Data Collection Program (~20 minutes initially)

Why is data sharing important?

In order to improve care and develop treatments specific for ZTTK Syndrome, a better understanding of the ZTTK is needed. One way is through collecting information in natural history studies. A natural history study is a type of research study that examines how a disease naturally progresses over time. This can be accomplished in many different ways including (but aren’t limited to) questionnaires and surveys collected over time or reviewing past medical records for trends seen among many patients with the same disorder. Specifically

Inform researchers how ZTTK syndrome change over time

  • Enable better data to design and use in clinical trials

  • Provide patients the opportunity to participate in clinical trials

  • Reduce the time it takes to study new medicines

  • Speed up the time to get treatments to patients

  • Enable the use of data as a placebo (instead of actual patients) in a clinical trial

There is no cost to participate in Citizen Health or Rare-X data collection programs.

Read more about how a natural history study powered by Citizen Health was used to support an Investigative New Drug (IND) filing with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) here

How can I share my or my child’s data?

ZTTK SON-Shine Foundation has partnered with several organizations with the goal to collect natural history information for individuals identified with ZTTK variants. Sharing data and participating in research studies is an important method for increasing what we know about ZTTK patients and accelerating development of future treatments and therapies.

Below is information on all the natural history studies as well as how they complement each other and work together. You can help us speed research efforts right away by building a readily-available pool of data on ZTTK.

Which data collection partner should I sign up with?

If you live in the US, participate in both Citizen Health and Rare-X because they complement each other and work together. It takes 5 minutes to participate in Citizen Health. For Rare-X, you can enroll and fill out surveys over time across sessions.

If you live outside of the US, participate in Rare-X. Citizen is focused on US recruitment to the platform at this time. They are actively reviewing ways to better support international patients in the future and will share updates as we are ready to broaden our availability.

Our Partners

What data is collected? Health records from your medical providers

How to participate? One-time form to complete

Who can participate? Families who live in the US

(Note: Citizen is focused on US recruitment to the platform at this time. They are actively reviewing ways to better support international patients in the future and will share updates as we are ready to broaden our availability.)

How does it work?

  • Create an account: In a simple, five minute onboarding process, patients or their caregiver will create a profile and provide a picture of their ID, a few pieces of demographic information and a list of providers where they have received care. Guardianship papers will also be needed in the case of a caregiver signing up on behalf of a patient 18 years or older.

  • Citizen will do all the work to collect your medical data from all your providers and points of care and provide you access to your data in your secure, digital profile.

  • Choose to share your de-identified data stripped of any personal identifiers to help power research

  • Update each time you visit a new provider

More About Citizen Health:

Citizen Health is a platform that enables patients with rare conditions to get access to all their medical data in one place and accelerate critical research efforts with minimal effort. In partnership with over 80 advocacy partners and 12,000 patients, Citizen Health is supporting rare disease patients using their own health data to improve care and accelerate groundbreaking treatments.

We are partnered with Citizen Health to build critical natural history studies for our community - no site visits required! Citizen will do the work to collect your comprehensive medical history into your secure, digital profile and give you the option to contribute your de-identified data to accelerate research. Help our community unlock the insights hiding in our medical data and make huge leaps in understanding our disease and accelerating treatment options like never before. It just takes five minutes, sign up here today!

Additional resources

About Citizen Health One Pager

Onboarding Demo

Citizen Health Patient FAQ

Intro to Citizen Health Community Presentation

Citizen animated video overview

Testimonial Videos

What data is collected? Patient or caregiver self-reported survey data

How to participate? Series of surveys, completed over time

Who can participate? Global. Available in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese

How does it work?

  • Create an account and provide consent to share your de-identified data stripped of any personal identifiers to help power research

  • Upload your genetic report

  • Start with “head to toe” surveys (~20 minutes) which involves general medical survey that asks questions on ALL systems of the body, whether they are associated with the patient’s primary diagnosis or not. This allows for patients with multiple diseases to enter all their symptoms in one data collection platform

  • Based on your “head to toe” surveys, you will receive detailed surveys to capture more specific symptoms, e.g., seizures, muscles, vision, and GI.

  • Each survey provides an estimated completion time. You can log in to your dashboard at any time to fill out the surveys.

More About Rare-X:

RARE-X is a non-profit organization that offers a collaborative platform for global data sharing and analysis for rare disorders. Their goal is to help rare disease communities accelerate research and knowledge of a disorder while working to eliminate barriers to participation such as location, language, or time.

Sign up here today!

Additional resources

Onboarding Demo

Intro to Rare-X ZTTK Data Collection Program Overview

Why Participate in Data Collection

Real World Data and Real World Evidence

Data Standards and RARE-X

Have questions about Rare-X?  Please contact Ada Lio ( and Kerry Tirrell (