
Join our upcoming event!

5k for ZTTK

September 2024

Anywhere in the World!

Fundraise with Us, Anytime, Anywhere!

Thank you for your interest in fundraising! With your help, we believe it’s possible to find treatments or cures for our ZTTK loved ones. The most important step we can take is to fund the critical research that leads to life-changing breakthroughs. You can help advance research through fundraising and raising awareness on behalf of ZTTK SON-Shine Foundation! Whenever someone reaches out to their families and friends to talk about ZTTK, we continue to build our community of supporters. Whatever type of fundraiser you host, large or small, we are appreciative of your efforts, and we are here to support you.

You will find a list of popular fundraising ideas with some general information to start the planning process. Please don’t limit yourself to only these options – get creative and do whatever works best for you and your participants! If you’re not ready to be open about ZTTK or special needs, ask your family or friends to help.

Fundraising Ideas

  • On your ZTTK warrior's birthday or your birthday, invite friends and family to contribute to ZTTK research instead of traditional gifts.

  • Reach out to local restaurants to see if they will host a fundraising event.

    The website makes it easy to find and book restaurant fundraisers.

    You can also ask local grocery, retail, and other stores if they would consider partnering in something like this to benefit ZTTK research.

    See an example by Lukie’s parents here

  • Join or organize an in-person or virtual run/walk/bike ride etc. Some ideas include local 5K, 10K etc.

  • Host a game night in person or virtually, or plan a watch-party for a broadcasted game or event! Have participants reserve their spot by making a donation. Up the ante by offering prizes and mini-competitions throughout the event. Some ideas: Bachelorette bracket, pro games, college rivalry games, board/card games, trivia night, etc

  • This idea works equally well at school/kindergarten family days, nearby community festivals, local sports club, or in your garden! Food fest, lemonade stand, baked sale - Get creative!

  • The sky is the limit in terms of donations at an auction, as the items go to the highest bidder. First, gather auction items – these can be handmade goods, local merchandise, experiences… pretty much anything that people will bid for! Promote the event on social media and fliers. You may also consider offering an online option!

  • You don’t have to be a golfer to organize a golf tournament fundraiser! First, connect with a golf course and work with their management team to plan a date and schedule. Recruit volunteers and sponsors. Plan games, raffles, and sales to generate more revenue. Promote the event on social media and local news outlets. For more flexibility and less hands-on planning, you can also host a virtual golf tournament fundraiser, where your players can play from any golf course anywhere!

  • If ZTTK SON-Shine Foundation is having some bigger fundraising campaign (such as on Rare Disease Day in February, ZTTK Awareness Month in September, Year-end in December etc.), there is an opportunity for you to set up a local fundraiser under the main fundraiser.

  • Every donation gives so much strength because it shows support. And support is appreciated in every project; these projects will not happen without support.

Templates and Resources

A note: Please personalize your message and include your ZTTK SON-Shine’s story in the following samples! 

A note: please be sure to say thank you to your donors. Part of fundraising responsibly is expressing gratitude for each donation. ZTTK SON-Shine Foundation sends a thank you note when we receive a large donation directly, but it is always good practice to express your own gratitude personally as the fundraiser host. Include a bit about why their donation is making a difference for your loved one with ZTTK Syndrome. This will be welcome news to your caring community of donors!

Some tips

Share often: Promote the fundraiser/event on social media and fliers! Share more than once. Social media is full of information. So sharing opportunities more than once is important, because otherwise it will simply get lost. 

  • Personalize: Share YOUR ZTTK SON-SHINE’s story - Donating online is often something that people do based on emotions. People are more likely to resonate with an individual’s story than an organization 

Company match: Many companies match gifts to any charity an employee may support. Some may even allow employees to volunteer their time with local charities. Some companies offer paid time off to staff when they volunteer with an organization in their community. Check with your HR department!

Interested in hosting a fundraiser or other activity to support our ZTTK community? Email Ada Lio at with your ideas and questions. We’d love to hear what you have in mind and to stay in touch so that we can help promote and celebrate your initiative with you.